Jörn Petereit

Managing Partner

With over two decades of leadership in premier firms, Jörn Petereit is renowned for guiding expansive growth and pioneering digital transformation strategies. A powerhouse in leveraging technology for business growth, he fosters cultures of innovation and agility, substantially enhancing stakeholder value.

Eike C. Frerichs

Managing Partner

A mastermind in sustainable and strategic expansions, Eike C. Frerichs brings unrivaled expertise in financial processes and company valuation to the table. With a proven record in M&A process management, he ensures substantial shareholder value growth through prudent financial guidance and strategic advisory roles.

Michael Mueller

Senior Advisor Cloud

A luminary in the cloud industry, Michael Mueller stands as a forward-thinking leader with unrivaled expertise in cloud strategy and technology. He guides businesses through transformative journeys, crafting future-oriented solutions that promise resilience and long-term profitability in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Dr. Alexander Nichau

Senior Advisor AI&ML

A seasoned expert in AI, big data, and cloud technology, Alexander Nichau has led pivotal tech projects across Europe. From cloud installations to AI solutions, he's a trailblazer in digital transformation. With experience at top-tier consultancies and deep research roots, Alexander is a driving force in tech innovation.

Markus Brendel

Senior Advisor Marketing

Markus Brendel, a visionary in marketing leadership, excels at leveraging the evolving digital landscape to foster inspiration and lead change. With deep insights into market trends, he utilizes innovation and strategic acumen to unlock the immense potential of digital brands, setting a new benchmark in the industry.

Alexander Loth

Senior Advisor AI Strategy

Alexander Loth, a leader in AI strategy, uses his CERN expertise to drive innovation at IT Capital Partners. As CTO at Microsoft Research EMEA and former Head of Data & AI, he has been instrumental in driving AI forward. As an author and lecturer, his insights shape the technology landscape and enhance digital strategies.

People. Passion. IT Capital.